Work - Introduction

Work in Bluerithm is what represents everything that needs to be performed, tracked, & managed on your projects. 

Work items are like modular building blocks you can use to create custom workflows, forms, processes, etc. 

Here's a video showing how work can be customized to your needs.

You can use work items for internal activities that your team is responsible for, like test forms, and you can also use them for external activities, like readiness checklists, action items, document requests, and more. 

Here are some examples of what work items can be used for.

  • various stages of commissioning
  • test and balance forms
  • checklists, functional tests
  • design reviews
  • submittal reviews
  • site observations
  • project milestones
  • meeting minutes
  • action items
  • one off activities 

Custom Forms and Checklists

If you're looking for instructions on creating custom forms, check out these articles: 


Work categories are what you can use to group related work items together. Work items are grouped by category and what they're attached to. i.e. all work items with the category 'Level 4 - FPT', and that are attached to AHU-001, will be grouped together to create a single form. 

Definitions assoicated with Work Items:

Description: The description of work associated with the a specific work item.

Category: The category the work belongs to, such as “Document Review”, “Functional Testing”, “Installation Checklist”, etc.

Status: The status of the individual work item.

Assigned To: The person a work item is assigned to. Work can be assigned to guest users, and will show up in their ‘My Work’ summary when assigned.

Due Date: The date the work of the work needs to be done.

Effort: A property you can use to weight the work item. The effort is used to calculate progress in the project

Entered By and Date: The date the work item was entered and by who.

Last Edit By and Date: The date of the last edit, and by who.

Work items can have follow up notes and files associated with them as well. Visit Add Work and Issues for a guide.


Tables on work items can be used to build custom forms, a table/matrix, or other formats.

To add a table, click ‘Add Table’, choose the quantity of rows and columns, then add the table. You can upload any spreadsheet (.xlsx file) to a table for a more convenient way to edit the contents of a table using the ‘Upload’ button. Just make sure the quantity of rows and columns match.

Existing table content can also be downloaded for viewing or editing with the ‘Download’ button.

Use the ‘Open’ button to open the table in Bluerithm.

You can read more about tables and all of their functionality here.

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