Bluerithm on Mobile

Bluerithm works across all devices, while online or offline.

There are two interfaces to use Bluerithm: What we refer to as the 'web app' and the more mobile-focused version, referred to simply as the 'app'.

Web App

You can run the web app in any modern web browser on any device, where it will work the same as when used on a PC. There are many pages that are optimized for smaller devices, but not all pages and features are mobile-optimized.

The web app requires a constant internet connection.

You can access the web app at

The App

The Bluerithm app is designed with two foundational objectives: mobile-first and offline-first.

You can access the app at where it can then be run in a browser tab or installed.

Installing the App

Installation is simple and uses modern technology which does not require using an app store (e.g. Apple app store, Google Play, etc.). There is button at the top to click that will install the app.

NOTE: iOS requires an additional step for installation.

While the app will run in a browser window, we recommend installing it for the best performance and experience.

Loading projects

Projects are loaded automatically when they are clicked from the main projects list.

For larger projects, a list of folders that are used for selective project loading is shown. Multiple folders can be selected at a time to download.

For large projects you may need to load the project in chunks using this folder selection. How much you can load at a time will depend on the hardware specs of the device you're using (i.e. an old, small smartphone will handle smaller chunks at once, whereas a modern laptop will handle much more).

There are no limitations (besides local device storage capacity) to how many projects you can have loaded on your device at a time.

Once a project is loaded, it's available for use, online or offline.

Project data aging

Projects will display a 'Last Fetched At' timestamp indicating when the project data was loaded.

The color of the will change from green to orange to red as time passes from the last project load. If the timestamp is red AND there is an internet connection, the app will attempt to force a download / refresh when the project is next clicked.

If you want to force a project refresh at any time, you can use the Refresh button on most pages of the app.

The project data that is loaded is current as of the time you made your selections. Any changes you make on your device will be reflected immediately, but changes others make will not. To get the latest project data, the project will need to be refreshed.

Offline use

Once a project is loaded it's ready for offline use without further action. The device can be taken offline and the project data will remain available.

As changes are made to the project, they're tracked by the app. The counter in the upper right corner indicates how many changes need to be synced with the server once an internet connection is restored.

The app will try to synchronize when internet connectivity is available. The app must be open for this to occur. You can also click on the offline changes counter to manually initiate a sync.

Viewing and editing permissions

Viewing and editing restrictions are the same as in the web app.

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