

Filters can be used to answer very specific questions about the data on your project. Filters are present on most of the main pages of a Bluerithm project and can be used to build lists of equipment, work, issues, as well as with the Overview dashboard pages. 

Individual filter groups can also be made and shared with specific project members or select members (more below).


You may want to know how many systems/equipment on the 1st floor of a building have open issues, have work items are incomplete or in progress, and that are on systems of type AHU. Here’s how you could use the filters to answer that question.  

Our filters allow for creating and saving filter groups for particular/select or all project members. Then, when that project member/s accesses their work, the specific filter groups will be assigned to them.

For example:

To load saved filters and the data from them, on any page with filters available, click Load Filters and Get Results. This will automatically apply the saved filters and refresh the data on the page. 

Once the filters are saved, they'll be available to anyone they've been shared with. 

You may have issues linked to forms or sections of a test. If you wanted to know how many of those still had open issues, you could use filters like this. This example was run from the Summary tab of the Work page.

Filters on Reports

Filters can be used in the same way as the examples above, and any other scenario you need, when creating reports. See the article about reports for more information.

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