Report Section Types


The General section type can include everything or very specific items in your project, including links for attachments to items in your project like Word documents, spreadsheets, etc. It can include all work items of any category, issues, systems & subitems, any notes on any items, and images that are associated with any item.

By using the selection options, you can configure what you want to be included in the report, whether it’s just work from a single category and status, or the entire project. You can select the main types of items you want to include in the section with the Include options.

Issue Log

There are two versions of the issue log: Standard and condensed

The standard version is used by default. To use the condensed version, select the 'Condensed' option:

Standard version:

Condensed version:

Issue Summary

The Issue Summary is a short, concise overview of the state of issues on the project. It includes charts, tables, and other summarized information about issues.

Work Summary

The Work Summary is a short, concise overview of the state of work on the project. It includes charts, tables, and other summarized information about work.

Work Matrix

The Work Matrix shows all (or filtered) equipment & systems and their respective progress towards the categories of work on the project.

Table of Contents

A Table of Contents section will include a reference to all of the sections you add to the report, and will be created on the at the time the report configuration is exported to .pdf.

Text Editor

A Text section replaces what you would normally do in a text editor like Microsoft Word with the advantage of being built into the report builder, so headers and footers are the same and it can be saved in report templates on your template projects. 

You can also use shortcodes in your reports for wide variety of automated content from things like "project name" to custom charts and graphs.

QR Codes

An export of QR codes for the main page of each equipment that matches the filtering criteria of the report section export. 

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